Miyerkules, Enero 25, 2012

Teaching PAst Form of the Verb to Grade VI pupils


At the end of the discussion, pupils will be able to know and understand the past forms of the verb.

a. Enabling
- Pupils will be able to understand that -ed, -d, -ied can be added to the base forms of the   
       verb to express past action (for regular verbs).
- Pupils will be able to recognize that irregular verbs do not make the past form by adding 
      -ed, -d, -ied, to denote past action.
- Pupils will be able to comprehend that some verbs have have similar verbs base and 
       past forms of the verb to convey past action.
b. Terminal
- Pupils will be able to develop sense of nationalism by appreciating the works of history.
- Pupils will be able to flex understanding of the ups and downs of life by writing their own diary.
- Pupils will be able to appreciate that verbs can tell about actions that happened in the past for them to be able to share their own past past  experience in life,.
- Pupils will be able to write their (most unforgettable) experience to their classmates to build social relationship, camaraderie.

Past Forms of the Verbs

- Photographs of a son and father fishing on a river.
- Short story "A Fishing Trip" by Douglas Schnorr 
- Pictures showing the actions; fish, stop, run, catch, eat.
- flashcards with words in the present form and the other, in the past form (to show the difference in structure; teacher-made).
- Two boxes (box A labeled w/ Present and B w/ Past)

a. Opening
- The teacher lets the pupils stand up for an action song as a warm up.
- Small talk (teacher asks about pupils' weekend)
-Story telling (Short Story -- "A Fishing Trip" by Douglas Schnorr.
 > Before telling the story,  the teacher indicates the author of the story)
 > During the story telling, the teacher points out and give emphasis to the words in past 
 > After telling the story, the teacher may be asked by pupils or pupils will be asked by
     teacher for further discussion of the thoughts of the story being told.
- Introduction of the Subject Matter
 > Teacher introduces the subject matter.
 > The teacher states that verbs can tell about activities happened in the past.
 > The teacher explains thoroughly that for the regular verbs, -ed, -d, -ied can be added 
   to the base form of the verb to express past action.
 > The teacher explains that for irregular verbs, -ed, -d, -ied cannot be added to the base
      form of the verb, but some verbs have the same base and past forms of the verb,
      there are changes in the verb (pronunciation). And the few have a completely
      different and the same base forms to denote past action.
The teacher stresses the differences between past and present forms of the verb.
The teacher, in every activity. Gives more examples and illustrations to make sure that pupils understand.

i. Whole class work
The teacher lets the class read the story in chorus as a drill to check pupils’ reading skills (pronunciation, intonation…)
The teacher reads the difficult words and lets her pupils repeat after her.
ii. Small Group Work/Pair work Activities
The teacher, using the flashcards with words on their past and present forms, asks pupils to read and use the words in sentence to be written on the board.
The teacher asks pupils to change the sentences from past form to present form, and present form to past form to see really the difference in forms and uses.
iii. Teacher-Task
The teacher discussed further the subject matter and may ask pupils questions to check if they understand the lesson or not, especially on the irregular verbs.
iv. Student-Task
d. Closure/ Debriefing 


The teacher divides the class into two groups. Using the two bases labeled past form and present form, the teacher facilitates a game that would measure if children were able to comprehend lesson presented, and develop the sense of cooperation and leadership in them. The teacher gives the flashcards to each group. The members determine if the verb written in the cards is in the past or present form. Each group should have participants or representative every round. The first group to fill the boxes is the winners.
After the game, the teacher conducts a 5-term quiz. She lets her pupils choose 5 words from the game and use in sentences (the words can be either in the present of past form).


After the quiz, the teacher asks pupils to write in a paragraph form their past summer experience or their most unforgettable summer experience by using the past forms of the verb, and the next day, let the pupils share their work to their classmates as a review on the past lesson (about the past forms of the verb) before moving on to the next lesson. 

Prepared by:

Esmaela Diann B. Mascardo
              FS Student